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Med en framtida demokrat som adressat. Föreställningar om framtid i svenska samhällskunskapsböcker 1992-2010

Publicerad: 2015-02-25
Uppdaterad: 2015-05-26

Forskaren Jonas Nordmark har undersökt föreställningar om individuell och gemensam framtid i svenska samhällskunskapsböcker för högstadiet.


Jonas Nordmark


Niclas Månsson, Mälardalens högskola, Anders Säfström, Södertörns högskola


Andreas Frejes, Linköpings universitet

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Mälardalens högskola



Titel (se)

Med en framtida demokrat som adressat. Föreställningar om framtid i svenska samhällskunskapsböcker 1992-2010


Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation (UKK)

Abstract in English

This dissertation is a critical study on conceptions of future in swedish social studies textbooks for primary secondary school, and a discussion on discourses of the young person as a future political subject. The main part of the thesis is a discourse analysis of textbooks published within the timeframe 1992 through 2010. The demarcation of the two decade timeframe stems from a critical discussion within educational research on political and educational discourses about individual and common future in recent years. I mainly draw my critical theoretical argument from a discussion on what in radical democratic theory is referred to as a post-political state within late liberal democracies. Much of the future oriented educational research is implicitly rooted within this discussion, where the possibility of understanding the young person as a future political subject to a great extent is scrutinized. The method through which the textbooks are read is discourse analysis, mainly inspired by deconstruction, focusing social and political logic within normative texts. My findings are that future in large parts of the textbooks is put forth as dependant on the single individual´s commitment to making the future democratic society possible through political engagement, but also her adaptation to an already well ordered democratic society. Commitment and adaptation take form in two, what I call, ontopolitical discourses about the young person as a future partaker of democratic society. The first discourse delineate the young person as partaker in an already initiated course onto a better common future. As an individual the young person is put forth as part of an overarching common shared temporal movement towards future for the society as a whole. Earlier books seem to suggest this temporalization of the common, to a higher extent than later. Later books suggest the idea of the young person as possible part to either a positive common future full of personal opportunities at hand, or a negative common future, shared by those without same life opportunities. This second discourse render threats towards the future democratic society, as such individuals without ability to fulfil their aspirations. Being unemployed at the outskirts of society both put a strain on the ordered society and also implies that those without means to take care of themselves might in fact become dangerous. Through French thinker Jacques Rancière I suggest that these implications should be understood as a view on future society where all are included, but some are included through defining them as excluded within society.  

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