Norske lærerstudenter har for svake kunnskaper i matematikk, fremgår det av en ny, internasjonal undersøkelse. Matematikkopplæringen i lærerutdanningen har vært for dårlig.
In our A City Education series, two City Year corps members share their experiences working as tutors and mentors in schools in hopes of closing the achievement gap and ending the dropout crisis. "I hate math!" "Why do we have to do this?" These are common complaints I hear in the math classroom I work…
All children should learn a foreign language at primary and secondary school, a House of Lords committee has said. The UK's attitude to languages has prevented its students from studying in Europe, according to the House of Lords' EU committee.
The failure of US public schools to thoroughly prepare their students for a globalised world is undermining American national security, a blue-ribbon task force warned on Tuesday.
Almost 75,000 children have been rejected from their preferred secondary school amid a desperate scramble for the most sought-after places, official figures show.
På fredagen den 30 mars kommer 12 elever och 2 ledare från London för att besöka Köping och Ullvigymnasiet. Besöket är i första hand ett idrottsutbyte men klockan 13 spelas det en match mellan eleverna från Davenant Foundation School och elever från specialidrotten med inriktning fotboll, årskurs 2 på Ullvigymnasiet, på Krillans konstgräs.
What’s the key to effective learning? One intriguing body of research suggests a rather gnomic answer: It’s not just what you know. It’s what you know about what you know. To put it in more straightforward terms, anytime a student learns, he or she has to bring in two kinds of prior knowledge: knowledge about the…