Nyheter inom kategori "Internationellt"
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Some city schools look for support to boost teacher leadership
Some New York City school principals are hoping to improve teacher retention by sending promising teachers to a leadership program held by the National Academy of Advanced Teacher Education.
No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated
This was written by Roger C. Schank, a cognitive scientist, artificial intelligence theorist, and education reformer. He has taught at Stanford and Yale universities and is the John Evans Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Psychology, and Education at Northwestern University. The former head of the Institute for the Learning Sciences, he is the author of…
Arbetstjänst istället för kvarsittning
I en intervju i tidningen Sunnuntaisuomalainen säger undervisningsminister Jukka Gustafsson (SDP) att kvarsittning kunde ersättas med arbetstjänst. Dessutom lovar Gustafsson förbereda en ändring i undervisningslagstifningen för att ge lärarna mer rättigheter för att utöva disciplin.
Why I became a teacher: to help students see they can change the world
Citizenship teacher Pete Pattisson is on a mission to empower students and make sure they know their views count.
Digital Faculty: Professors and Technology, 2012
Professors occasionally get lampooned as luddites responsible for the famously slow pace of change in higher education. But in truth the majority of professors are excited about various technology-driven trends in higher education, like the growth of e-textbooks and digital library collections, and the increasingly popular idea of “flipping the classroom.”
Dropbox: A Multi-Tool for Educators
Dropbox is many things — a powerful, multifaceted tool that can be used in a number of different ways. Dropbox can also be a great teaching/learning tool.
Does flipping your classroom increase homework time?
It started with a simple observation: Students need their teachers present to answer questions or to provide help if they get stuck on an assignment. From there, authors Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams began the flipped classroom.
15-åring uppfann cancertest
En högstadieelev i USA har uppfunnit ett revolutionerande cancertest. Han gjorde det genom att googla sig till kunskap.
National pay for teachers 'undermining school standards'
National pay rates for teachers should be scrapped because they damage school performance and depress pupils' GCSE results, according to academics.
Rakt ut i verkligheten
I Finland är begreppet "övningsskola" nästan lika välkänt som bastu och tango. Här ges blivande lärare koncentrerad handledning och socialiseras metodiskt in i yrket. - Vår styrka är integrationen mellan teori och praktik samt närheten till forskningen, fastslår Gun Jakobsson, ledande rektor vid världens enda svenskspråkiga övningsskola.
Elever skal svede sig til bedre læsning
En række forsøg i børnehaver, skoler og gymnasier skal i næste skoleår vise, hvordan kolbøtter kan give bedre læsefærdigheder. Det er der ikke meget af i folkeskolen, hvor det meste er røv-til-bænk-undervisning, siger skoleledernes formand.