The headquarters of what has rapidly become the largest school in the world, at 10 million students strong, is stuffed into a few large communal rooms in a decaying 1960s office building hard by the commuter rail tracks in Mountain View, Calif.
Nick Morrison explores how schools are using video conferencing, chatrooms, picture messaging, blogging and more to connect with schools in other countries
Nicole Ruda, Elsa Risby och Isa Rydelius är tre gymnasieelever som pluggar i Medelpad och är intresserade av internationella frågor. De har åkt till Nepal för att jobba med biståndsarbete.
The power of the Internet represents a dramatic shift in the way people will learn, and is perhaps the greatest innovation to meet education in 200 years, asserts the writer of this article.
I början av oktober åkte elever och lärare från hantverksprogrammet på Knut Hahnsskolan i Ronneby till Turkiet. Nu är de tillbaka och har många nya intryck med sig.
Schools are increasingly finding ways to help students develop as global citizens. But can we do more to incorporate global issues into the curriculum?