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How textbooks are sabotaging teaching, learning

In this blog post, Ben Stern, technology integrationist for a middle school in New York City, writes that textbooks present an easy way out for teachers and students - allowing them to avoid questions over what should be taught. Technology, Stern writes, such as Internet resources and educational applications, can improve teaching and learning.

Back to School: Preparing for Day One

Teachers should start off the school year by ensuring their classroom is well organized and extra supplies are on hand, Rebecca Alber writes in this blog post. Teachers also should rehearse new materials and allow extra time for their lessons to run long if needed, she writes.

A New Game-Based School Opens

GameDesk, an organization that’s developing a variety of game-based learning initiatives, is venturing into new terrain with the opening of a new school and the development of new digital tools, with millions of dollars in funding from both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and AT&T.

Report: Extracurriculars keep students engaged

Students who skip school may not understand that the act has long-term consequences, according to a report by the organization Get Schooled. The report, based on interviews with about 500 teenagers in 25 cities across the county, found that students who missed more than 10 days of school are less likely to graduate from high…