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Nyheter inom kategori "Distansundervisning"

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Viktigt med rätt gruppstorlekar vid fjärrundervisning

Lärarbristen slår ofta hårt mot områden med stora geografiska avstånd, och den nya lagstiftningen om utökade möjligheter till fjärrundervisning spelar en stor roll för att elever i hela landet ska få undervisning av behöriga lärare. Det är viktigt att all undervisning håller hög kvalitet, därför får nu Skolverket i uppdrag att bedöma hur stora grupperna…

Kids' mental health can struggle during online school. Here's how teachers are planning ahead

Students' emotional health has become more of a priority during the coronavirus pandemic in the wake of schools' spring closures. As schools prepare to resume classes in the fall, some districts have announced plans to devote time to student mental health, such as spending the first week on establishing routines and offering grief support services,…

Report: Students struggled during spring closures

During coronavirus-related school closures in the spring, students' ability to motivate themselves to complete schoolwork varied by age, with 57% of fifth-graders saying they were able to stay motivated compared with 26% of 12th-graders, a survey finds. Distractions at home were the most common reason students cited for lack of motivation, followed by feeling stressed…