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Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Academic Staff – 2017

Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Academic Staff - 2017 explores the current realities for academic staff within this changing higher education landscape. The report focuses on the qualification requirements for academic staff, the recruitment process, employment and working conditions in academia, the impact of external quality assurance, and top level strategies for internationalisation. (pdf)

Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe – 2017 Edition

There are over 60 official languages in Europe. It is a continent of considerable linguistic diversity, and that breadth is only increasing with recent migration flows. The 2017 Edition of Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe depicts the main education policies regarding teaching and learning of languages in 42 European education systems. (pdf)

Skolverkets lägesbedömning 2017

I Skolverkets lägesbedömning 2017 redovisar Skolverket sin samlade bedömning av situationen och utvecklingen i skolväsendet. Rapporten innehåller även statistik och tematiska fördjupningar om barnen och eleverna, lärare och annan skolpersonal och om vuxenutbildningen. (pdf)