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Math game adds up to win

Some students in western Pennsylvania this year participated in a Fantasy Baseball Integrated Math Program that was introduced to area schools and Boys and Girls Clubs by Pittsburgh Pirates Charities. The students played simulated baseball games to learn math concepts including fractions, decimal and percent equivalence, measurement and geometry, number sense and graphing, ending the…

What the kids think

A student's perception of the educators in his life is his reality, and it's this reality that really matters, explains Whole Child Programs director Sean Slade. Slade explains how to reach students flying under the radar and shares two examples of educators who built powerful connections with learners in their schools.

Skolinspektionen ryter till – igen

Det har inte blivit bättre. Så kan man sammanfatta Skolinspektionens syn på hur Rådaskolan i Mellerud fungerar. – Det handlar om allvarliga brister som i vissa fall sträcker sig tillbaks till inspektionen 2006, säger Peter Ekborg, avdelningschef på Skolinspektionen i Göteborg.