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Nyheter inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Does More Tech in the Classroom Help Kids Learn?

Technology has been shown to help students learn, educators and experts say. However, some say blended instruction and flipped classrooms are the most desirable models, while others tout the benefits of including more technology in the classroom. Others still have identified the need for schools to use technology to help students connect with the real…

Lærere skal bruge mere tid på elever

Folkeskolens lærere skal undervise mere, de skal i højere grad være til stede på skolen, og det skal være lettere for elever og forældre at få fat i lærerne. Sådan lyder meldingen fra børne- og undervisningsminister Christine Antorini (S) på den sidste sommerferiedag for mange skolebørn.

For Dyslexic and Visually Impaired Students, a Free High-Tech Solution

For Elizabeth and the millions of students who are “print disabled” — meaning they have trouble reading because of dyslexia or vision impairment — many textbooks are not available in an audio format or in any other format that’s easily accessible. Bookshare converts texts into accessible digital formats–mostly audio and digital braille–for those who can’t…