Ett stort antal studenter på det ansedda universitetet Harvard misstänks ha fuskat. Utredning pågår och kan leda till beslut om avstängning från lärosätet.
A primary-school teacher in North Wales describes in this blog post how she overcame dyslexia in her teacher training and offers tips for other teachers hoping to do the same.
Tennessee teacher Andrew Klicka started writing social studies lessons in rap three years ago to help students remember difficult concepts. That spring, his class presented a school "social studies concert." Klicka's musical compositions have expanded to 20 songs in a variety of genres, including techno, reggae and funk, dealing with concepts in science, grammar, history…
From the brain-training warm up and the Big Grammar Book to Niall Ferguson's history lesson of the future, we've compiled a list of our most popular teaching resources ever
Feeling stressed ahead of the new school term? Talk to students you don't get on with, don't say yes to everything and remember you are not perfect, says Chris Hunt.
Students at a Wisconsin high school are using iPads this year in their classes, including in geometry, where teachers say the device offers several tools that will help students succeed.
Instead of banning students' technology devices from the classroom, schools need to teach students how to use those devices for learning, principal Peter DeWitt writes in this blog post.
Regeringen og Enhedslisten ønsker at slå folkeskolefagene fysik, kemi, biologi og geografi sammen til en eksamen. Det skal hjælpe eleverne med at se sammenhængen i fagene, siger undervisningsministeren.
For many schools across the country, today marks the first day of a new year. In addition to thinking about tools that help boost educators’ teaching practice, this moment might be a good time to pull back and think about some big-picture ideals, too. Here are a few to consider.