Games can be used to enhance student engagement and learning in world language classes, bringing benefits such as improved content retention, increased motivation and the development of critical thinking and teamwork skills, educator Rachelle Dené Poth writes.
A survey by Edsby and Cornerstone Communications shows that the use of multiple edtech platforms is overwhelming for public- and private-school teachers and parents, with more than 40% of parents expressing dissatisfaction. Teachers spend two to four hours weekly managing these apps.
The US Department of Education has eliminated its Office of Educational Technology, which was responsible for guiding states and districts on emerging technologies and digital equity. The elimination leaves schools to navigate these challenges independently, potentially leading to resource duplication and difficulties in addressing issues such as AI and cybersecurity.
Math teacher El Houcin Houssam is being celebrated for his dedication to helping students pursue careers in STEM fields. He believes in making math relatable by connecting it to real-life situations, like using exponential functions to teach about compounding interest and saving money. He fosters an environment where students can solve problems creatively and understand…
Fra 1. april kan lærere og børnehaveklasseledere i folkeskolen for første gang få støtte til efteruddannelse gennem Den Kommunale Kompetencefond. Men hvordan vil det gå praktisk og økonomisk på skolerne, hvis en stor del af personalet hvert år skal på kursus?
En hjemmeside og et såkaldt ”forældremødespil” skal gøre det nemmere for skoler og lærere at få forældre til at engagere sig i klassefællesskabet. ”Jeg er vild med det", siger lærer, der har afprøvet det nye spil.
Danmarks Lærerforening glæder sig over ministerens udmelding, for mange lærere har mistet deres job, når de har grebet fysisk ind for at stoppe en voldelig situation.
Donald Trump has taken the overwhelming step of undoing the Department of Education on Thursday by signing an executive order to dismantle the agency in charge of the country’s national education policy.