The youngest children have been most affected by lockdowns and closures during the Covid pandemic, with new research finding that the educational progress and social development of four- and five-year-olds suffered severely during their first year at school.
Regeringen beslutar att förlänga de tillfälliga ändringarna i villkoren för statsbidraget för undervisning under skollov som infördes under covid-19-pandemin. Det handlar bland annat om förenklingar av hur bidraget betalas ut, så att huvudmän ges bättre förutsättningar att erbjuda lovskola.
The coronavirus pandemic is a collective traumatic experience and to recover schools must develop a culture of support that prioritizes the mental health of educators. In interviews with 90 educators, Edsurge identified steps that schools can take, primarily to reduce the stigma and barriers to mental health care, ensure a safe space where educators can…
Lärarna i Västerviks kommun kommer att få 5 000 kronor som covid-bonus. "Vi hade hellre sett ett ordentligt lönepåslag," säger Anqi Åström, Lärarförbundets ordförande i Västervik.
Enrollment in state-funded preschool dropped for the first time in 20 years with the pandemic, erasing a decade of growth and resulting in a nearly 20% decline in a single year.
Koronakommisjonen mener kommunene fikk for lite tid til å forberede og iverksette smitteverntiltak i pandemien. Og slår fast at ansatte i skoler og barnehager burde vært prioritert for vaksine tidligere.
The schools watchdog Ofsted is to increase its focus on early-years education as part of its new five-year strategy, to address the devastating impact of the pandemic on some of the youngest children in England.