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Utbildning för en bättre värld

Publicerad: 2011-06-16
Uppdaterad: 2023-09-03
Ebba Reinolf
Skribent: Ebba Reinolf

The belief in continuous progress towards a “better world” and the conviction that good is associated with knowledge and learning have a long tradition. On these bases, expectations have arisen that education substantially contributes to a “better world”. The paper reconsiders this contribution from the aspect of modern progress made in the internationalisation and globalisation of education. The concept of education is discussed in relation to the cosmopolitanism of the Enlightenment, 19th and 20th century nationalisms, 20th century internationalism, the “Europeanisation” process and the contemporary age of globalism. Against the “monocausal view” of globalism, the author reaffirms the recognition of a full range of educational purposes.

Författare: Pavel Zgaga

Education for “a better world”: is it still possible?

Education Inquiry 2/2011

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