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Understanding Teachers’ Uncertainty in Encounters with Pupils with Experiences of Domestic Violence

Publicerad: 2022-02-23
Uppdaterad: 2023-09-03
Susanne Sawander
Skribent: Susanne Sawander

Political, legal, and educational documents present expectations for teachers who encounter pupils with experiences of domestic violence. Teachers say they lack competence and confidence and experience uncertainty about their role in this area. This study sheds light on teachers’ experiences of uncertainty in their encounters with these pupils. Data was collected in group conversations with ten teachers and coded thematically. Hoekstra & Korthagen and Lauvås & Handal concepts of trusted colleague/peer mentoring together with Bandura’s self-efficacy theory were used as a framework. Three challenges generating teachers’ experiences of uncertainty: marginalized opportunities, “crumbledsupport channels and being out of the information trail. When concerned about a pupil, teachers rarely sought information online, tending instead to seek support from a trusted colleague or a supervisor. They mentioned the need to talk to somebody who knew the pupil and the need for external personal guidance from professionals of an independent state/municipal service.

Författare: Sabreen Selvik och Ingrid Helleve

Understanding Teachers’ Uncertainty in Encounters with Pupils with Experiences of Domestic Violence

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

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