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Technology use as a sleep-onset aid: are adolescents using apps to distract themselves from negative thoughts?

Publicerad: 2023-03-07
Uppdaterad: 2023-09-03
John Miller
Skribent: John Miller

The aim of this study was to; (1) explore whether adolescents use technology as distraction from negative thoughts before sleep, (2) assess whether adolescents who perceive having a sleep problem use technology as distraction more compared to adolescents without sleep complaints, and (3) collect qualitative information about which devices and apps adolescents use as a distraction.

Författare: Alexandra Daniels, Meg Pillion, Benita Rullo, Jessica Mikulcic, Hannah Whittall, Kate Bartel, Michal Kahn, Michael Gradisar, Serena V Bauducco

Technology use as a sleep-onset aid: are adolescents using apps to distract themselves from negative thoughts?

Oxford Academics Volume 4, Issue 1 2023

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