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Teaching and Learning Podcasting through Blogging

Ebba Reinolf
Skribent:Ebba Reinolf

This article reports on an online workshop which was held in October 2006 on the topic of contemporary web 2.0 technologies. The workshop was a part of the European project eLene-Teacher Training. The workshop was organised by two teacher educators in Sweden and 33 participants was enrolled from eight countries in Europe. The workshop took place during one week on the Internet in a blog environment. The workshop is analysed from both a pedagogical and technical perspective. The workshop is evaluated with a questionnaire, analysis of blog posts and podcasts and through reflections from the teacher educators. The result indicates that the technical aims were reached i.e. the participants learned to create podcasts and learned to blog. The pedagogical aims suffered from difficulties to discuss for example attitudes to publishing content on the Internet. Instead pedagogical issues should be raised by the participants.

Författare: Peter Bergström och Krister Lindwall

Teaching and Learning Podcasting through Blogging

Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning 3-4/2008

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