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Stödpraktiker i relation till arbetsplatsförlagt lärande i svensk gymnasial lärlingsutbildning

Publicerad: 2022-10-04
Uppdaterad: 2023-09-03
Susanne Sawander
Skribent: Susanne Sawander

This article explores educational support practices during workplace-based learning in upper secondary apprenticeship education in Sweden. Many students in need of educational support attend upper secondary VET, but how they are supported in relation to workplace-based learning has not been investigated in any extensive way. 15 semi-structured interviews with upper secondary VET-school personnel were conducted. Through the use of concepts from the theory of practice architectures three different support projects embedded within three practices were identified: a workplace socialization project; a qualification project; and a social-pedagogical project. These support practices were conditioned by how students were viewed; the allocation of resources at the local schools, and the schools’ possibilities to influence the workplaces. The study concludes that support for workplace-based learning is shaped as a one-sided responsibility falling on the schools. Although apprenticeship education might fit some students in need of support, many of them are left without any support during the workplace-based learning part.

Författare: Enni Paul

Stödpraktiker i relation till arbetsplatsförlagt lärande i svensk gymnasial lärlingsutbildning

Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) Vol 6. No 3 2022

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