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Brister i undervisningen

Utmaningen med distansundervisning under pandemin har varit att ha en bra och spontan kommunikation mellan lärare och elev. Samtidigt är förhoppningen att undervisning på distans ska bereda vägen för ett bättre regelverk för fjärrundervisning. Det menar forskaren Anna Åkerfeldt, didaktikforskare vid Stockholms universitet och process- och projektledare Ifous.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Top-tier principals spark big gains in student learning. A new study shows how much

Effective principals can boost outcomes for students, according to a report released today by the Wallace Foundation that found an above-average principal can produce nearly three additional months of learning in math and reading. Jason Grissom, a professor at Vanderbilt University and an author of the study, said the findings do not discount the effect…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Analysis: Choosing classroom materials is complicated. Here’s what principals and district leaders can do to support teachers

Even pre-pandemic, teachers were creative when choosing instructional materials to use with students. When presented with a recommended or even required curriculum, RAND research has found, teachers exercised great autonomy in modifying teaching materials and finding additional resources to supplement them. So, what do teachers want when it comes to instructional materials, particularly now?
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

New wave of research shows nudging students by text is not as promising as hoped

Recent research is changing the way educators and others view the potential of "nudging" text messages to motivate students to take action, such as applying for college or aid. In a study researchers reveal that customized text messages may be more effective and that students are more likely to pay attention if they know who…

An educator’s view: Virtual teaching takes work. 5 remote learning lessons from an online high school principal

Megan Bowen, director of Penn Foster High School, says educators there have discovered keys to making remote learning work. In this commentary, Bowen suggests tailoring instruction to individual students, adopting formative practices, relying on data, building community and performing outreach.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Digitala möten: nya vanor kräver nya rutiner

Det är väldigt mycket som är annorlunda just nu och samtidigt viktigt att vi fortsätter hålla samma höga kvalitet i vårt arbete. Möten kan ju bli nog så röriga under de bästa omständigheter och därför tänker jag att det är bra med lite punkter att tänka på när vi nu håller så många möten som…