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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Elevers ökade möjligheter till lärande i en transspråkande NO-undervisning

I en transspråkande undervisning använder både lärare och elever alla tillgängliga språkliga resurser, såsom första- och andraspråk, bildspråk, gester, kroppsspråk och digitala hjälpmedel. Alltså hela sin språkliga repertoar för att underlätta meningsskapande. I NO-undervisning har detta visat sig öka flerspråkiga elevers möjligheter till kunskapsutveckling.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Surrounded by pandemic angst, what do middle schoolers want? A welcoming, safe place to learn

Middle-school students are experiencing more mental health challenges -- likely worsened by the coronavirus pandemic and its effects. Experts during a recent conference discussed the issue and a path forward, saying students' voices must be included in the discussion, and students, who also were represented, said they want a safe, welcoming environment to learn.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The benefits of online learning are also its weaknesses. That’s where advisors help.

Dedicated advisers can pinpoint online students' problems, manage their expectations and offer support and solutions, writes Janet Morrison, director of Champlain College's general education program. For example, an adviser can help procrastinators develop a schedule for assignments and encourage overwhelmed students to pare back on the number of classes taken at one time.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

"Why we can’t get ed-tech right without teachers"

Teachers need a greater voice and choices when it comes to education technology, according to Melissa Collins, a second-grade teacher. In this commentary, Collins writes that the wasteful cycle of edtech tools going unused in classrooms or not living up to promises could be ended if teachers are included in discussions and decisions about digital…