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Teachers are burned out. Here’s how you can support them

Teachers are facing rising rates of burnout and need authentic, meaningful support from school leaders, assert Sonny Thadani, CEO of Robin, and Tara Karch, a Robin coach. In this blog post, they share eight ways to offer support, including by asking teachers for input and integrating "wellness development" into professional development.

Deltakelse, prosess og produkt: Kreativitet i en skapende teknologimediert samarbeidsprosess i barnehagen

I denne artikkelen utforsker jeg begrepet kreativitet i en skapende prosess med digital teknologi i barnehagen. Problemstillingen er: Hva kjennetegner en skapende teknologimediert samarbeidsprosess der en gruppe barnehagebarn (4–5-åringer) og en barnehagelærer lager en digital bildebok sammen?

Implications of the imposed and extensive use of online education in an early childhood education program

This paper discusses the implications related to this transformation by asking the following research question: After being subjected to the imposed and extensive use of online education due to the pandemic, what implications can be found when we examine pre-service teachers’ digital competence and attitudes towards and use of digital technology?