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Special education technology can allow inclusion, advances

Approximately 13% of American public school students have special needs, such as speech-language issues and autism. Assistive technology can offer them new opportunities. Virtual learning and tools mean special-education students needn’t be separated from their classmates.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

E-zines can help boost writing skills

The Smithsonian Learning Lab offers a new tool, Canvas, to help students create their own digital e-zine, writes Abby Pfisterer, museum educator and manager of civic learning for the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History. In this blog post, Pfisterer shares how e-zines offer an alternative to the traditional essay that can strengthen students'…

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt på fritidshem

I en miniserie med rubriken Hela skoldagen räknas samtalar vi med verksamheter som gjort och gör insatser för att skapa trygghet och meningsfullhet under fritids, raster och skolmåltiden. Bra för alla elever och väldigt viktigt för elever med funktionsnedsättning. Medverkar gör lärarna Anna Jabin och Elin Wahlborg samt Monica Johansson Persson, SPSM. (webb-radio)

Teachers Making Sense of Principals’ Leadership in Collaboration Within and Beyond School

The purpose of the study is to create a deeper understanding of teachers’ sense-making of principals’ leadership in the context of collaboration within and beyond school.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Intercultural Competence in the Foreign Language Classroom. Pedagogical Applications of Literary Texts on Migration and Exile

The development of intercultural competence is a crucial part of foreign language (FL) education, yet it remains under-explored in teaching materials and teacher education. Transnational perspectives on FL teaching, and specifically literary texts on migration and exile, may help expand teaching beyond the traditional monocultural focus and stimulate the development of intercultural competence.
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FoU tidskrift källor

Mattilbud og håndhygiene i forbindelse med måltider i barnehagen basert på studenters praksisoppgave

The purpose of this study was to gain updated insight into what is being served in kindergartens and hand washing practices before meals. The study is based on internship assignment where total of 120 kindergarten teacher students have observed the meals in five internships between the spring of 2016 and spring of 2018.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Leading underperforming schools

Like underperforming companies, relationships or governments, the judgments on underperforming schools are often swift and ruthless. Underperforming school chools are frequently polarised as good or bad, and those schools that fail to hit the mark are fair game for media attention and ripe for some sort of public, external intervention.