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Internationellt: The school where everyone has their own tablet computer

Every student at the Isle of Portland Aldridge Community Academy (IPACA) received their very own personal tablet computer the start of this academic year. Staff and students say it has transformed education at the Dorset school - but they have to be careful about internet safety and security. (webb-tv)

Internationellt: Are we taking our students’ work seriously enough?

In the course of studying different aspects of children’s environments, Dr. Roger Hart noticed that “a lot of supposedly participatory projects had a distinct air of tokenism. Children were being put on display, so to speak, as though they were actively participating, but they were not taken seriously”.

Elever får prova på att vara forskare

Tre veckor på höstterminen och tre veckor på vårterminen har Högskolan Dalarna gymnasieforskarskola i Vassbo. Där får gymnasister från Dalarna, Gävleborg och norra Västmanland prova på hur det är att vara forskare och ingå i ett forskarteam.

Väck intresse med verkliga exempel

Mer verklighetsbaserad undervisning och större förståelse för ämnenas värde i arbetslivet kan öka elevernas intresse för NO och teknik. Men lärarna behöver kompetensutveckling, stöd och tid för att förändra sin undervisning. Det visar en ny avhandling vid Göteborgs universitet.

Internationellt: What's the point of school?

For as long as there have been schools, people have been asking what is the point of them. Quite a lot of pupils have asked that question, of course. But some notable grown-ups have pondered the matter, too.