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Internationellt: Want to Read 1,000 Words a Minute?

Who says the Internet is making us less effective readers? Spritz, a new app that’s being released on Samsung devices, is devoted to turning you into a super-powered book devourer, conquering novels in a single bound (or subway ride).

Internationellt: Make Your Kids Smarter

I’ve explored the science behind what makes kids happier, what type of parenting works best and what makes for joyful families. But what makes children — from babies up through the teen years — smarter? Here are 10 things science says can help.    

Internationellt: Music education for the classroom teacher

Music education, when it is even available, typically begins in about third grade, writes Rourke O'Brien, the president and founder of the Children's Music Foundation. In this blog post, O'Brien offers several suggestions to help all educators integrate music lessons into the classroom.

Nytt forskningsstipendium

Det finns begränsad forskning med inriktning mot fritidspedagogikens betydelse för elevernas kunskapsutveckling. Därför utlyser Fritidspedagogfonden nu ett forskningsstipendium som ska uppmuntra närstudier av fritidshemmet i relation till fritidspedagogikens funktion och innehåll.