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Internationellt: Empowerment: The key to excellent teachers in schools

Empowerment is the key to developing top teachers for U.S. schools, asserts Carol Hunter, a retired elementary-school principal and author. In this blog post, Hunter writes that, among other things, school leaders must hire the right people, and then trust and empower them to make a difference in schools and for students.

Internationellt: 15 apps every principal should have

This article lists 15 mobile applications that every principal should be aware of, including some that allow administrators to collaborate, connect and communicate. One California principal is using the Common Core Look-fors app, which allows her to take notes about teaching and classroom activities related to the Common Core State Standards.

Internationellt: The power of “blend” in blended learning

The most effective blended learning environments include a comprehensive approach that allows time for in-person and video instruction, according to Adam Holden, a longtime school administrator. In this blog post, he also suggests that blended instruction include authentic assessments.

Internationellt: Fitness may boost kids' brainpower

Brain scans of 24 9- to 10-year-olds showed differences in white matter structure among physically active children and their less-fit peers. Greater fitness levels may improve blood flow and increase the size of certain areas of the brain, according to the study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
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Skriv ner alla fula ord på papperslappar. Riv sönder lapparna, kasta dem i en soppåse, knyt ihop och släng. Ett av många konkreta tips till föräldrar och pedagoger om hur man kan hjälpa barn att komma till rätta med dåliga beteenden. Tipsen finns samlade i boken »Hur får man det att funka?« av Jill Nyqvist.