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UR: Skolministeriet – Inför valet: De sjunkande resultaten

Allt fler undersökningar och larmrapporter visar på sjunkande kunskaper hos svenska elever. Är det så illa ställt som debatten gör gällande? Vad tänker ungdomar, lärare och forskare kring hur det ser ut? Och vad tänker riksdagspartierna göra för att öka kunskapsresultaten i skolan (webb-radio)?

Internationellt: Critical factors in learning

Students are taught basic facts in school that prepare them for lifelong learning, as well as how to learn and think critically, according to Australian author and academic Rod Pitcher. In this commentary, he shares how schools are giving students the foundation to build a lifetime of knowledge.

Internationellt: The attitude of the leader

"I will always maintain that a school with a leader who believes that he or she is the number one determinant of the success or failure of their student body is a school with a leader who possesses a solid attitude for success," writes ASCD author Baruti Kafele. In a recent Inservice post, Kafele gives…

Internationellt: Too much math education is based on pet theories

A lot of time and money has been wasted in Canada on what amount to maths fads, according to Anna Stokke, associate professor of maths at the University of Winnipeg. In this commentary, she offers a history of maths education in the country and a selection of research favoring direct instruction over inquiry-based learning.

Internationellt: 'Calming' lessons going ahead despite outrage

A school in New Zealand will adopt mindfulness techniques next year that focus students on the present moment and on being in a calm state. Officials say the programme is intended to improve concentration and curb bullying. Some parents, however, oppose the technique on religious grounds.

Internationellt: The need for courageous leadership

Some schools have shied away from utilising social media over fears of what could happen, but George Couros, an administrator in Alberta, Canada, writes about the need for courageous leadership in this department. He highlights the example of a school in the US that has turned over its school Twitter account to the school community,…

Internationellt: Motivated to learn: A conversation with Daniel Pink

In this interview with Educational Leadership, business thinker and author Daniel Pink shares his insights on how schools can create more optimal conditions for learning - and how they can dial up students' own motivation to learn. He highlights the three elements of true motivation -- autonomy, mastery and purpose -- and shares his thoughts…

Internationellt: Teachers take charge of mobile devices

Dozens of mobile device management programs are on the market. The programs aim to give teachers the ability to manage their students' devices and ease the burden on schools' IT departments. Such programs also can help districts analyze the effectiveness of their technology use, according to this article.

Internationellt: Hard lessons learned in ambitious L.A. iPad initiative

Following a rocky rollout of iPads in Los Angeles schools, and the recent decision to halt the program and then restart the bidding process, this article compiles a list of lessons learned culled from experts on one-to-one computing initiatives. Among them are the need for proper planning on the front end and the need to…