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Elevers syn på kunskap viktig för lärandet

Spelar det någon roll hur elever ser på kunskap när de ska lära sig naturvetenskap? Många forskare försöker svara på den frågan. Studier visar bland annat att elevers syn på kunskap kan påverka deras motivation inom naturvetenskap.

Internationellt: 5 questions every PLC should consider

Education blogger and high-school teacher Paul Barnwell in this blog post poses five questions he says teachers and administrators should ask about the professional-learning communities model. "When the collaboration is efficient, PLC cycles provide a focused method to dissect student work and hopefully improve results," he writes.

Internationellt: Report details 5 keys to using technology to help at-risk students

A report released recently by the Alliance for Excellent Education and the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education offers five keys to using technology to help at-risk students. Among them, the report suggests setting a goal of establishing a one-to-one technology program and making sure Internet connections are sufficient.

Internationellt: The need for courageous leadership

Some schools have shied away from utilizing social media over fears of what could happen, but George Couros, an administrator in Alberta, Canada, writes about the need for courageous leadership in this department. He highlights the example of a school in the U.S. that has turned over its school Twitter account to the school community,…

Internationellt: Can students ‘go deep’ with digital reading?

Some educators are exploring ways to transfer print skills, such as annotating text for deep reading, to digital devices. Teachers are working on tablet applications, teaching students to use annotation software and keeping in mind that students may be distracted by the multimedia nature of e-books.