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Legitimation of digitalisation in education. A case study of vocational student teachers´ lesson plans

Publicerad: 2023-04-17
Uppdaterad: 2023-09-03
Susanne Sawander
Skribent: Susanne Sawander

In 2018, the curricula and subject syllabi in Sweden were revised, the aim being to increase the digital competence of pupils. This article presents a study of how vocational student teachers at uppersecondary school legitimise the use of digital tools in their lesson planning as a means to support the learning of pupils. This provides knowledge of what vocational student teachers view as central to their teaching. Using Theo van Leeuwen’s legitimation analysis, the lesson plans of 25 vocational student teachers, as well as eight ethnographic interviews, were analysed. In legitimation, the vocational student teacher argues using references or actions that need to be performed, or not performed. The task of the argument is to justify language or actions so that they are acceptable to others. Legitimation also makes visible the relationships and responsibilities between different parties. The results show that vocational student teachers legitimise their choices to authority. The lesson plans are based on the relationship of vocational student teachers to their own actions in teaching. However, how pupils develop their learning and digital competence is not affected. The digital tools as resources in teaching are legitimised with reference to speed, agility, control, and overview. The use of digital tools links strongly to writing, which affects the educational environment and professional life.

Författare: Marie Nordmark

Legitimation of digitalisation in education. A case study of vocational student teachers´ lesson plans

Tidskriften utbildning och lärande, Vol 17, nr 1 2023

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