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Läraren som konkurrensmedel – Kunskapskälla, stödperson eller icke-person?

Moa Duvarci Engman
Skribent:Moa Duvarci Engman

The teacher as a means of competition. Source of knowledge, supportive coach or non-existent? The purpose of the article is to show empirically how upper-secondary schools describe, understand and present teachers in their external communication. The ambition is to demonstrate to what extent and how teachers’ competencies are stressed by local school management in a competitive setting. Swedish upper-secondary schools’ Internet communication to external audiences is content analyzed. Private and public schools are compared. The study finds that teachers’ qualities and competencies are rarely communicated. Other aspects are emphasized. When teachers are mentioned, it is usually as a depersonalized category whose function is stressed, for example the role of the teacher in the pedagogical concept or idea that the school adopts. In practice, no differences between private and public schools are found. The findings of the study can be understood in the context of the ongoing discussion on teachers’ status. By being “non-existent” in the external communication, the image of the teachers as a group with low professional status is sustained.

Författare: Magnus Frostenson

Läraren som konkurrensmedel – Kunskapskälla, stödperson eller icke-person?

Utbildning & Demokrati, Vol 20, No 2 2011

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