Kunskapsmöjligheter i svenska fritidshem
This article discusses how the Swedish afterschool settings can be understood as a pedagogic practice. Interviews and field observations with teachers and children were analyzed from a discursive and network perspective. The teachers articulated a discourse about a professional competence to control the organization of the activities in relation to ideals and practical conditions. In practice, however, the children negotiated, challenged and developed the activities in ways that went beyond what was planned and possible to articulate, evaluate and control. The article proposes a pedagogy for the afterschool setting that is built on teachers and children’s joint descriptions of the knowledge possibilities that are ongoing produced in the activities.
Författare: Tomas Saar, Annica Löfdahl och Maria Hjalmarsson
Kunskapsmöjligheter i svenska fritidshem
Nordisk barnehageforskning Vol 5, Nr 3 2012

Svenska som andraspråk

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