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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Vetenskaplig tidskrift"

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"Et ord sier mer enn tusen tegninger" – en undersøkelse om religions plass i barnehagen

Denne artikkelen ønsker å rette søkelyset på spesielt fagområdet etikk, religion og filosofi fra barnehagens rammeplan, og det vil gjøres en analyse av deler av en kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse om hvordan arbeid med religion i barnehagens hverdagsliv kan foregå. 
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Fritidshemspersonals tal om barns fysiska aktivitet – samhällelig påverkan och möjliga implikationer

The aim of this paper is to shed light on how teachers’ talk about children’s physical activity inschool-age educare can be seen as part of comprehensive social discourses concerning education and physical activity. Focus-group interviews with a discourse-analytic approach have been carried out with staff from two municipal school-age educare in Sweden.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Lärarutbildningen som demokratiskt rum – medvetet engagemang och erbjudanden om ömsesidighet

There is a lack of empirical research conducted in classrooms, which urges us to investigate the interpretation of how the doing of democracy in education is carried out. In this case study we explore how democratic values are or are not, manifested by teacher students and teachers in teacher education.

Technology use as a sleep-onset aid: are adolescents using apps to distract themselves from negative thoughts?

The aim of this study was to; (1) explore whether adolescents use technology as distraction from negative thoughts before sleep, (2) assess whether adolescents who perceive having a sleep problem use technology as distraction more compared to adolescents without sleep complaints, and (3) collect qualitative information about which devices and apps adolescents use as a distraction.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Shifting landscapes in early childhood education

Change is prominent across the shifting landscapes of early childhood so young children experience it as a matter of course. However, change presents disequilibrium that young children may need time and support to accommodate. Young children also benefit if we ensure their experiences of change are balanced with the security afforded by continuity and routine.

Teaching early reading skills to non-vocal students with severe learning disabilities using Headsprout Early Reading

Many students with learning disabilities find it difficult to acquire basic reading skills. This is even more of a challenge for students who are non-vocal. The purpose of the present study was to pilot the use of Headsprout Early Reading (HER), an online reading programme, with four non-vocal students with a severe learning disability (SLD), over the course of a nine-week period.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Europeanisation in Teacher Education: A Comparative Case Study of Teacher Education Policies and Practices, Review essay

This essay is a review on the book titled Europeanisation in Teacher Education: A Comparative Case Study of Teacher Education Policies and Practices, by Vasileios Symeonidis, which is a valuable contribution to the field of international and comparative education investigating the interaction between local and general, in this sense “European” trajectories in teacher education.

App-based mathematical intervention for youth with intellectual disabilities: a randomised controlled trial

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether students with intellectual disabilities can improve their arithmetic skills by participating in an arithmetic intervention programme, theoretically founded on explicit instruction and administered via an application developed for tablet computers.

School Performance and Behaviour Profiles Among Finnish Adolescents, and Their Relations with Temperament Traits: A Person-centred Approach

The aim of this study was to examine what kind of school performance and behaviour profiles could be identified among students in the final grade of basic education in the Swedish speaking parts of Finland (N = 1149, grade 9), how these differed in temperament and how temperament could explain profile differences in first language (L1, Swedish) grades, behaviour grades, and results from standardised reading tests.