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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Curricular Counsel: What makes a 'transformational' school?

Transformational schools are those that adapt based on new research and tools and boost the "student creation of learning," according to Matthew Joseph, director of curriculum, instruction and assessment for Massachusetts' Leicester Public Schools. In this interview, he examines the qualities of transformational schools and how school leaders can achieve that status.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Schools are suffering a failure to communicate

Despite having more tools than ever to communicate with each other -- from social media to email -- Jeremy Hyler, a middle-school English teacher in Michigan, says he notices that communication breakdowns among educators, parents and students are increasingly common. In this article, he shares how technology-based communication, where tone can often be misinterpreted, may…

Anette Jahnke och Åsa Hirsh: Vi kan inte ha det så här

Att lärare och skolledning gör allt som forskare, undervisningsråd och utvecklingsstrateger säger att man ska göra är ingen självklar väg till förbättrade elevresultat. Inte om det innebär implementering av redan färdiga koncept och utan egentlig delaktighet av de som berörs, skriver forskarna Anette Jahnke och Åsa Hirsh i en debattartikel.

Coronavirus: how to keep teaching if schools are closed

As schools transition to online learning to curb the spread of the coronavirus, Luis Moreno, a modern foreign languages teacher who has taught in international schools in the UK and overseas, shares tips to help teachers teach remotely. In this commentary, Moreno suggests adopting cloud tools, exploring flipped learning and ensuring familiarity with the tools…