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Fördomar stoppar tjejers teknikintresse: ”Stereotyper”

Forskning från Lunds universitet visar att fördomar om att män är bättre än kvinnor på teknik lever vidare. ”Vi måste visa fler kvinnliga förebilder inom ingenjörsbranschen”, säger Lisa Hällbrinck som arbetar med den ideella organisationen Pepp. Det rör sig om än fler stereotyper som hämmar tjejer från teknikämnena.

Researchers looked at how early STEM stereotypes begin for kids. They found them every step of the way

Stereotypes about gender in STEM start early and are often set by age 8, according to a study from researchers at the University of Houston and the University of Washington. Researchers found that girls' interest in STEM subjects was more of a factor than perceived ability in the subjects.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

YouScience Report: Female juniors and seniors have far more aptitude than interest in STEM fields

A new study of YouScience aptitude assessments completed by 116,372 female high school juniors and seniors across the nation shows that female students had 10 times more aptitude than interest in careers in architecture and engineering, and nearly four times more aptitude than interest for careers in computers and mathematics.