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School Performance and Behaviour Profiles Among Finnish Adolescents, and Their Relations with Temperament Traits: A Person-centred Approach

The aim of this study was to examine what kind of school performance and behaviour profiles could be identified among students in the final grade of basic education in the Swedish speaking parts of Finland (N = 1149, grade 9), how these differed in temperament and how temperament could explain profile differences in first language (L1, Swedish) grades, behaviour grades, and results from standardised reading tests.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Could the Netherlands crack the secret of language learning using this approach?

In the Netherlands, some educators are implementing a usage-based approach to language learning, called the Accelerative Integrated Method, to encourage an interest in French among students and increase the number of speakers, which is declining overall, according to university professors Gregory Miras and Audrey Rousse-Malpat.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Can you learn a language in your sleep? We found you may be able to pick up some words

The human brain is a complex machine, but can it learn languages while asleep? It can, but the learning performed is different, writes Matthieu Koroma, a researcher at the Universite de Liege in Belgium. In this commentary, Koroma shares the results of an experiment in which adult learners heard Japanese-language words paired with sounds while…