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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Specialpedagogik"

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Continuing professional development for special educational needs and disabilities within the school workforce: The results of a national survey in England

9 januari
The results indicate that there is a mismatch between what the staff consider as impactful CPD and the CPD to which they have most access. School leaders and SENCos are key people in delivering CPD in schools, and the findings of this study show that it is important to provide them with appropriate skills and…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Särskilt begåvade barn – hur bemöts de i förskolan och tidig utbildning?

Förskolepersonal och rektorer beskriver i hög grad särskild begåvning hos barn utifrån upplevda svårigheter och problem till skillnad från att se särskild begåvning som en tillgång – vare sig för barnet själv eller för verksamheten i stort. Det är en av slutsatserna som Malin Ekesryd Nordström drar i sin avhandling.

Power and inclusion. German and Swedish special educators’ roles and work in inclusive schools

This article presents a comparative interview study (N = 45) with Swedish and German special educators working in inclusive school settings in order to gain an understanding of how inclusive education is operationalized by the provision of special education needs (SEN) support; and how both aspects are conditioned by nation-specific particularities.

Examination of a multitiered RtI-model for identifying and supporting students at risk of reading difficulties in primary schools in Sweden

Some Swedish schools do not identify and support students with reading difficulties efficiently enough during the first years at school. A longitudinal design was used to examine a multitiered RtI-model for identifying and supporting students at risk of reading difficulties in a Swedish school context. The results demonstrated that the RtI-model could be successfully applied.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Long-run results of mainstreaming students with special educational needs in lower secondary school

This study utilizes extensive longitudinal register data and employs a propensity score matching framework to investigate the disparities in upper secondary education completion between students educated in regular and segregated learning environments.