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Configuring parents as citizens and consumers: local variations in informational material about school allocation and choice in Sweden

11 februari
n this paper, we shed light on the mundane performance of market-logics in public educational settings by focusing on municipality websites in Skåne County, Sweden, that inform parents about local school choice policies and procedures. (pdf)

Educational endeavors in a rural society –an example from a small community in Sweden

11 februari
The research presented in this paper has been conducted within the field of Ethnography of Education and explores the challenges and dynamics associated with rural culture in the context of shifting economies, demographic changes, and digitalisation, with a particular focus on the Swedish context. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Examining trends in school segregation in compulsory and upper secondary education in Sweden: the showcase of an urban school market

The aim of the study was to examine the trends in socioeconomic, ethnic, and academic segregation in compulsory and upper secondary education in the Gothenburg school market between 1998 and 2020.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Re-examining the functioning of educational markets: Does the private-subsidised sector contribute to school diversification?

This article offers new empirical evidence regarding the limits of the premises of educational privatisation policies. Educational markets rely on the assumption that private participation has the potential to boost school diversification and open new educational opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The local market makers: Swedish municipalities as preschool quasi-market organisers

This study explores the different ways in which Swedish municipalities act as quasi-market organisers in the preschool setting. Following organisational theory, we analyse their market shaping activities in translating national regulations in efforts to influence, support and control their local preschool quasi-market.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Principals’ financial and pedagogical challenges when choosing programs and educational materials: the scope of the private education industry for preschools

In this context, this study examines how the growth of the private education industry within the education system has influenced preschool principals’ work in Iceland. Our critical theoretical perspective aims to explore how educational trends grounded in neoliberalism have shaped the work of preschool principals.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Welfare institutions as knowledge factories: Danish ‘welfare export’ of childcare know-how to China

This article examines how public welfare institutions in Denmark are reconfigured into knowledge factories. Since the 1990s, Denmark has sought to export “welfare” solutions as a way of extracting knowledge on social practices already happening in institutions of the welfare state for economic purposes.
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