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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Rapport (pdf)"

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Do parents really want school integration?

Do parents really want school integration? The short answer is yes. Our research suggests that the vast majority of parents across political affiliation, race, class, and geographic region strongly favor schools that are racially and economically integrated. But unfortunately, this doesn’t translate into action. In districts where parents actually have a choice, schools tend to…

Entreprenörskapsutbildning - Går det att lära ut entreprenörskap?

I Swedish Economic Forum Report 2019 Entreprenörskapsutbildning - Går det att lära ut entreprenörskap finner författarna stöd för att entreprenörskapsutbildningar i grundskola och gymnasium ger positiva effekter, till exempel i form av Ung Företagsamhet. Att det fungerar på högre nivåer kan inte styrkas. (pdf)

Protecting America’s schools - A U.S. Secret Service analysis of targeted school violence

This report builds on 20 years of NTAC research and guidance in the field of threat assessment by offering an in-depth analysis of the motives, behaviors, and situational factors of the attackers, as well as the tactics, resolutions, and other operationally-relevant details of the attacks. (pdf)