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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Motivation/Grit"

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Academic stress: links with emotional problems and motivational climate among upper secondary school students

This study investigates the levels of and associations among academic stress, perceived motivational climate and emotional problems in students at Norwegian upper secondary schools. A structural equation model with a sample of 1379 students (Mage 16.5 years old) tested the associations between perceived mastery and performance climates and emotional problems via associations with academic stress.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

"Resilience is as important for educators as it is for students"

Educators benefit from resiliency - as do students - write Sean Slade and Alyssa Gallagher, co-heads of education, North America, for BTS Spark. In this commentary, they share how honing social competence, autonomy and sense of meaning and purpose build resiliency as well as help educators navigate uncertain times.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Världsunikt forskningsprojekt undersöker motivationen i matematik

Vad händer med barnens motivation i matematik när de lämnar lågstadiet? I det världsunika forskningsprojektet MathMot kommer barn från minst 300 skolor i sex länder att följas från trean till femman. Ett forskarteam från Högskolan väst deltar för Sveriges räkning.
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