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Så funkar utmattningssyndrom

Rekordmånga går in i väggen. När kraven ökar orkar hjärnan inte med. "Många tror att det är en fråga om svaghet, att de känner efter för mycket. I själva verket är de som går in i väggen minst lata – de pressar sig till det yttersta", säger Giorgio Grossi, docent i medicinsk psykologi och psykoterapeut…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Support teachers better by building capacity

School administrators should improve their own leadership, collaboration and communication skills to grow their capacity to support teachers, writes Richard DelMoro, superintendent of the Enlarged City School District in Middletown, N.Y. In this blog post, he shares several ways his own district helped improve how its administrators lead.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

A stable principal is key to school improvement

School improvement relies on stable leadership and positive school culture, among other factors, according to MGT, a management company that oversees schools in a Colorado district. Principal Deana Valadez-Barnes, who joined her school three years ago after a period of leadership turnover, says in her first meeting with parents she was asked what made her…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Survey shows principals are trusted, respected

School principals are key, respected authority figures in their communities, according to a Pew Research Center survey of more than 10,600 adults that show principals as the most trusted to be ethical and responsible. Findings also show that more than 80% of those surveyed say they believe principals care about students.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How school leaders can promote district diversity, integration

Four strategies can help school leaders promote diversity and integration in their districts, write Patrick Finley and Damon McCord, co-principals of the Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School in Queens, N.Y. In this commentary, they outline the tactics, including reaching out to stakeholders and building a school around the whole child.