Utah junior high school principal Mary Bosso says turning around her academically struggling school has been a challenge and requires interventions for students and support for teachers. "They are working hard together for what's best for kids and that's what it takes to turn a school around," Bosso says.
Principal Liz Garden convenes a group of fifth-grade girls at her elementary school in Massachusetts for conversations about confidence -- centered around a book they all read. In this article, Garden describes how what began as mini-therapy sessions became much more.
A principal professional-development program that included 188 hours of training did not have the expected results, according to a report from the US Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences. Researchers found teachers whose principals participated reported less instructional support and feedback, and data shows slightly lower retention rates among principals.
All school leaders experience adversity, contention, trials, and tribulations during their tenures. However, leaders of color will almost certainly experience situations that have an additional layer of contention or adversity due to bias, stereotypes, and incorrect cultural perceptions.
Ditt ledarskap kan vara orsaken till oro och konflikter på arbetsplatsen, även om det inte är meningen från din sida. Här är fem vanliga misstag – och vad du kan göra i stället.
När i princip alla kommuner skär ner i skolan kommer det drabba våra elever i förorten extremt hårt. Resultaten kommer att sjunka och lärarkarusellen kommer öka. Det skriver Linnea Lindquist, rektor på Hammarkullsskolan i Göteborg.
Virginia elementary-school principal Anna Isley says building leadership skills of teachers can help boost retention rates and improve student performance. Isley, who began her career as a teacher, says connecting with other teachers in her first year set her on the path to success.
Leaders who use a moderate amount of charisma and act with authenticity and accountability while remaining curious to learn more are the most effective, writes Alaina Love. She provides an example of what this kind of leadership looks like in action by describing how a CEO took responsibility for the frustrations managers were feeling.
Principal turnover can lead to lower student test scores and increased teacher turnover for up to three years after the top leader's departure, according to an analysis of North Carolina school district data. Across the country, 1 in 5 schools change principals each year, so researchers recommend that districts develop a pool of available replacements…