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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Study: Principals factor into absenteeism rates

A school's principal can play a large role in helping to curb high rates of chronic absenteeism among students, according to a study of Tennessee principals by Brendan Bartanen, an assistant professor at Texas A&M University. Data shows the "principal effect" can reduce absenteeism rates by 4 percentage points on average -- and 6 percentage…

New research project looks at the causes and impacts of principal turnover, and solutions

Principals are a key in-school factor associated with student achievement. When principals leave, it can disrupt school progress, increase teacher turnover, and stall student achievement. A new study reviews existing research to identify why school leadership matters and the impacts of principal mobility on student achievement.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How principals manage pressure

Principals have a lot on their plates. According to recent research, the job's challenges have led to an 18% average turnover rate in public schools. Yet, many leaders have found workable solutions to juggle the responsibilities. Principals on Twitter shared their tips and tricks for staying cool under - well, you know the rest.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Leading with joy: The influential role of a principal

The role of the principal has often been compared to "drinking from a fire hose," "wearing many hats," or "putting out fires." While those characteristics may be true at times, William L. Sterrett and Sabrina Hill-Black argue that principals are uniquely poised to nourish a learning climate by enabling innovation, collaboration, and growth.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

PAX för arbetsro

Jag har funderat mycket på detta med att anpassa för eleverna i skolan. Nu senast var det en intressant diskussion på twitter om vilka extra anpassningar elever får i klassrummet och varför det kan vara problematiskt. Jag har sedan jag blev rektor svängt mycket i den frågan och numera tänker jag att det inte alls…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Ledarens betydelse – en kulturell arkitekt

En av ledarens viktigaste roll är att vara en visionsbärare! Ledaren sätter ord på varför organisationen finns. Varför man gör det man gör, vad allt hårt arbete ska leda till och vad som ska ha hänt när vi är i mål? Vad längtar ledaren efter att få se? Vad strävar ledaren efter och vilka medel…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Use 6 leadership pillars to empower teachers

There are six leadership pillars that help principals support teachers and encourage the development of positive school cultures, according to Evan Robb, a middle-school principal in Virginia. In this article, Robb shares how to use six pillars -- including vision, trust and relationships -- to help build success among students and staff.