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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Ledarskap"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Reconceptualising Time to Understand How to Lead Digitalisation in Education

14 mars
This study investigates how preschool principals learn how to understand and lead the digitalisation process in their preschool organisations collaboratively within an action research initiative. It specifically investigates how perspectives on time affect their understanding of leading digitalisation by exploring time as a discursive arrangement in a principal’s professional learning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Ny studie: Vem ska stötta chefen?

7 mars
Chefer lider allt oftare av psykisk ohälsa, vilket i sin tur även påverkar organisationernas välmående. Ny forskning pekar på att reflekterande samtal med fokus på chefernas hälsa kan vara en viktig åtgärd för att hantera denna ökande problematik.

Surviving or thriving? Exploring school leaders’ perception of initiated digital transformation

31 januari
The global pandemic, COVID-19 shattered everyday life as we know it and disrupted education globally. In this study, we explore an initiated digital transformation accelerated by the pandemic from school leaders’ perspectives in the context of Swedish high schools.