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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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The coming of ‘age’: Educational and bureaucratic dimensions of the classification of children in elementary schools

Age-classes are a salient feature of modern schooling. Yet how did age-grouping come to prevail in entire school systems? And how was this form of grouping related to educational and pedagogic discussions at the time of its emergence? The article addresses these issues by looking at the historical context within which age classes came to a dominant position: the European nineteenth century.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

These 3 districts have plenty of ideas for easing COVID staff shortages

Principal Zachary Robbins’ solution to COVID-era school staffing shortages might sound obvious, but for K-12 leaders it’s been easier said than done since the pandemic began. “You have to make sure you attend to the human side of teaching and learning, and the human side of human resources,” says Robbins.