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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

What happens when older students struggle to read? We asked. You answered.

Students tend to give up on school if they haven't developed strong reading skills by the time they reach middle or high school, respondents to a recent survey say. The respondents - which included students, teachers and parents - offered recommendations for helping boost literacy among older students, including additional training for teachers, dyslexia screening,…

Elever navigerar mellan undervisning och sociala medier i klassrummet

Elever som har sina smarttelefoner påslagna under lektionstid anstränger sig aktivt för att anpassa funktionerna i applikationerna och sättet de använder dem på till den pågående undervisningen. Applikationerna blir en del av klassrummet då eleverna använder dem för att kommunicera med varandra under lektionstid. Det är slutsatserna av en unik undersökning vid Åbo Akademi som…

Researchers looked at how early STEM stereotypes begin for kids. They found them every step of the way

Stereotypes about gender in STEM start early and are often set by age 8, according to a study from researchers at the University of Houston and the University of Washington. Researchers found that girls' interest in STEM subjects was more of a factor than perceived ability in the subjects.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How do you find a gifted child?

Teachers' individual judgment calls may result in different students being identified as gifted, according to a study by Karen Rambo-Hernandez, an associate professor of education at Texas A&M University. Findings showed that despite receiving the same training, teachers were inclined to make gifted determinations differently - with almost no overlap.