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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Tænk, hvis børn ikke var så afhængige af, hvilket postnummer de er født i, og om de møder en ildsjæl

3 april
Litteraturforsker Anna Skyggebjerg er ny leder for Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning. Hun nægter at bruge ordet læsekrise, for det fører til hurtige hovsaløsninger. Det, der er brug for, er langsigtede investeringer i skolebiblioteker, flere resurser og mere tid til lærerne ude i skolerne.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Learning designers call for more user testing of edtech products and teaching materials

21 mars
Educators are emphasizing the importance of involving students in the design and adoption of technology to ensure user-friendly products. Educators and experts are advocating for testing technology with diverse student groups to enhance learning experiences and adapt to changing technological landscapes in the classroom.

How robust are socio-economic achievement gradients using PISA data? A case study from Germany

14 mars
Large-scale international achievement studies such as PISA have been widely used to study how educational inequality compares across countries. Yet the various different biases that may affect these estimates are often not considered or are poorly understood. In this paper we draw upon the total survey error framework to provide a case study of the…

Failing children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in England: New evidence of poor outcomes and a postcode lottery at the Local Authority level at Key Stage 1

14 mars
This paper sets out original findings from analyses of the English National Pupil Database of Key Stage 1 (KS1) attainment, to examine educational outcomes of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).