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Promoting integration through child care: Lessons from Norway

Försök med avgiftsfri förskola i Oslo i områden med stor andel barn med utländsk bakgrund förbättrade barnens läsfärdighet och kunskaper i matematik. För flickor förbättrades även språkfärdigheterna. Det visar forskning som presenteras i en ny SNS-rapport. Resultaten pekar mot att förskolan har betydelse för social rörlighet bland barn med utländsk bakgrund, särskilt flickor. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How being part of a 'house' within a school helps students gain a sense of belonging

More than a few U.S. universities, including Notre Dame and Rice, still give their dormitories a larger significance by, for example, allowing each “residential college” its own advisers and social events. The attachments formed tend to be so significant that alumni, upon meeting one another, frequently ask, “What college were you?” That sense of camaraderie…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Classroom management: A summer to plan ahead

Teachers can use time over the summer to brainstorm ways to improve classroom management, writes Curtis Chandler, an education professor and 2011 Kansas Teacher of the Year. In this blog post, Chandler shares resources, including mobile apps, to help reduce classroom noise and track student behavior.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The necessity of boundaries

It is important for teachers to set boundaries to preserve their professional energy and continue to meet their students' needs, writes Johanna Rauhala, a teacher and peer coach. In this blog post, she offers advice to help educators be more mindful of their limits and maintain their stamina in the classroom.