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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Autistic children’s language skills stay stable relative to peers

A study that followed the language development of more than 6,000 children over 15 years has found that language skills tend to fall within a rank order, similar to height measurements, where toddlers in the top percentiles tend to remain there as teens. All children - even those with disabilities - acquired language skills at…
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6 tips to help train staff for PBL

School leaders should help to prepare educators for the adoption of project-based learning with effective professional development, write principal Kevin Armstrong and Cheryl Bautista, an elementary-school instructional coach. Armstrong and Bautista offer six tips to help prepare school teams for PBL.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Easing test anxiety boosts low-income students’ biology grades

Psychological interventions aimed at easing test anxiety can help improve outcomes for students from low-income families in science, according to a study led by Christopher Rozek, a psychologist at Stanford University. Researchers found that asking students to write about their fears as well as reading a statement explaining how the body responds to stress helped…
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District uses tech to prevent tragedies

An Alabama school district introduced technology to help monitor students' online traffic and communication after a student's suicide. In this interview, Charlie Jimmerson, the district's director of technology, describes the tech being used, including artificial intelligence and 24/7 human monitors.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Dance makes learning memorable

The more tools students have to express themselves, the better. At one girls' school in Tennessee, a longstanding integration of dance into the core curriculum allows students' alternative ways to communicate their learning. With the right framework, dance promotes agency and solidifies students' knowledge for the years ahead.