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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Survey: Nearly all teachers use tech in class

About 95% of teachers use technology in the classroom -- especially video streaming services such as YouTube, and productivity and presentation tools, such as Microsoft Office, according to a survey by Common Sense Education. Data shows that some of the tools that teachers rated as most effective, such as those involving health and well-being, were…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Tips to keep students' attention until summer break

As the school year comes to a close, Matthew Joseph, a director of digital learning, informational technology, and innovation in Massachusetts, says teachers can help students finish on a strong note. In this commentary, he shares 11 tips to keep students interested during the waning days, including creating a talk show, working on projects in…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Analysis: Financial aid benefits low-income students

An analysis shows low-income students at public four-year colleges and universities have benefited more from institutional financial aid than their wealthier peers over the past 10 years. Researchers say that previous studies showing a growing inequity did not take into account inflated tuition rates and the fluctuating subsidies available to lower-income students.

Schools work to help twice-exceptional students

About 6% of students in the US are said to be twice exceptional because they are academically gifted but have a disability such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia or autism. Some school districts are taking steps to better support this student population, including in Montgomery County, Md., where elementary-school students who are twice exceptional can learn…