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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Schools reckon with social stress: ‘I’m on my phone so much’

Smartphone-driven social media is one of the main drivers of stress among students, research shows. Now, some schools are taking steps to help reduce students' anxiety by engaging students in mindfulness activities, hiring outside firms to scan social media for signs students need additional support, and encouraging students to unplug.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Teachers elevate computational thinking

Educators are developing an approach to learning that combines computational thinking with data visualization tools -- an approach, they say, that could be used across the curriculum. The goal, educators say, is for students to learn to question data and take more control over their own learning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The higher education desert

Research shows that the further one lives from a public college or university, the less likely the person is to pursue a degree, a fact that disproportionately affects black and Hispanic students and those from low-income households. University of Wisconsin-Madison researcher Nick Hillman says a boost in Pell Grants to cover transportation costs could improve…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Wealthy students disproportionately receive extra time on standardized tests

A new analysis shows that students from wealthier school districts are more often given extra time on standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT for conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder than students in lower-income districts. Experts suggest wealthier parents may be better informed about the time concessions that are provided.