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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Research shows lower test scores for fourth graders who use tablets in schools

Using computing devices in language arts classes may be linked with lower reading scores, particularly for younger students, according to research from the Reboot Foundation. Fourth-graders who used tablets in class had lower reading scores than those who never used them, but older students appeared to benefit by using devices, in a limited capacity, to…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Six steps toward fair and accurate grading

There are several ways teachers can make grading fairer and less subjective, writes educator Cheryl Mizerny. In this blog post, she shares six strategies, including establishing clear criteria for graded work, reconsidering assigning zeroes and considering using weighted grade categories.

Recommended annual instruction time in full-time compulsory education in Europe – 2018/19

Did you know that the time available for learning could have a positive effect on students' learning process, in particular, in the case of disadvantaged students? This report analyses the recommended minimum instruction time in full-time compulsory general education in 43 European education systems for the year 2018/19. (pdf)