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Forskere: Umuligt at vurdere, om træning i sociale færdigheder gavner børn med ADHD

Det står hen i det uvisse, om social færdighedstræning reelt gavner børn med ADHD. Det konkluderer forskere fra Syddansk Universitet og psykiatrien i Region Sjælland efter at have gennemgået eksisterende forskning på området. ”Vi har behov for flere kliniske forsøg med et tilstrækkeligt antal deltagere”, siger lektor Mette Elmose Andersen fra SDU.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

If personalized learning is going to work, teacher onboarding must improve. Here’s how

School districts would benefit from implementing targeted, experiential teacher onboarding, writes Kristen Watkins, director of personalized learning at Dallas Independent School District in Texas. In this commentary, Watkins shares how her district adopted this approach to teach teachers about blended and personalized learning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How one school’s kids tackled math

One Connecticut elementary school is using math bee competitions, after-school tutoring and workshop-like classes to boost math performance. Scores on annual state math tests have improved, especially among students from low-income households and who are English-language learners, the data shows.